Did you know that WordPress comes prepackaged with jQuery Masonry? WordPress comes prepackaged with a ton of jQuery libraries that are super easy to include in your theme development. Here is a quick five minute tutorial to turn the standard WordPress image gallery into a pretty slick jQuery Masonry gallery.
Web Development

Create and Manage a Nivo Slider using WordPress Custom Post Types
Let’s say that you want to create a standalone Nivo Slider on a WordPress powered site. You have a couple of options. You can always purchase and download the Nivo WordPress plugin. I know lots of developers that have purchased and used this plugin with great success. The price of the plugin is only $20 […]
Nivo Slider Swipe Navigation for Touch Screens
Swipe left and right to navigate either a new Nivo Slider or one that already exists on your site.

Responsive YouTube oEmbeds in WordPress
oEmbeds are an easy way to include video and other media from specific sites on your WordPress site. However, they aren’t repsonsive, so let’s fix that!
Show the Latest Update Time and Date for a WordPress Page or Post
A blog post is something you do not typically go back and edit. It’s a one and done piece of content. However, sometimes there is a reason to go back and change content in a post, or more likely, to update the content on a page. I like my visitors to know the last time […]
Make CSS changes go live immediately
Browsers will not always apply CSS changes right away. Sometimes the end user will have to refresh the page to force the browser to dump and rebuild the cache. This isn’t a massive problem during development, but once the site goes into production it can become problematic. Here are two solutions I use to make […]

jQuery Masonry Image Gallery Beta Testing
Please help me out by Beta testing the latest (and hopefully greatest) version of jQuery Masonry Image Gallery. This new version has an option for LazyLoad (the most popular request) and should help with load times on larger galleries. If you are interested, please put in your name and email below I will reach out […]

Optimize PNG Files in the WordPress Uploads Folder with Grunt
Learn how to speed up load times and improve SEO by optimizing image files in your WordPress Uploads folder using Grunt and a couple of Grunt Plugins.
Use Superfish to Create A.D.A. Compliant Drop Down Menus in WordPress
Be aware that this tutorial requires WordPress 3.6 or above to work correctly. If you are using an older version of WordPress, you will run into issues because of the older version of hoverIntent. Please follow these instructions to ensure Superfish works correctly with WordPress 3.5.2 and below. Typically, only the parent links of a drop […]