Be aware that this tutorial requires WordPress 3.6 or above to work correctly. If you are using an older version of WordPress, you will run into issues because of the older version of hoverIntent. Please follow these instructions to ensure Superfish works correctly with WordPress 3.5.2 and below. Typically, only the parent links of a drop […]
Author: Will Rees
Review: Fever instead of Google Reader
I relied heavily on Google Reader to keep up to date with all of websites/blogs that I read. So when Google announced the death of Google Reader, I had two reactions: That’s not smart. What do i do now? I wanted out of Google Reader ASAP. There really aren’t that many alternatives out there, but I stumbled […]
Review: WordPress Custom Post Type Generator
There are WordPress plugins that allow you to create a custom post type within the WordPress dashboard. This solution might work well for you, but if you create custom themes, or even general themes then you probably want the CPT to show up in the dashboard right after the theme is activated. I started using WordPress […]
UPDATE: The End of Google Reader
I am not the type of person that wants to wait until July 1, 2013 to find a new solution for collecting RSS feeds. So, I’ve started looking around the net for another solution that I can jump on now so I can bid an early goodbye to Reader. One massive problem: I cannot find […]
Favorite Cheap Web Development Apps
I’ve been working professionally as a web developer for about 7 years. I exclusively used Macromedia Dreamweaver and Adobe Photoshop in my baby web developer days. Why? Mainly because it’s what my employeer provided. It’s been seven years, and I stopped using Dreamweaver years ago. Here is a quick list of cheap apps that make my development process easier […]

Red Hawk Golf Club
Built from PSD for a client in New Mexico. See Live Site at

George Squared
From PSD for GMU. See live site at Used a few media queries for a better look at the resolution 1024 x 768 and lower. Still probably one of my favorite sites when I worked at George Mason University.

Kuma WordPress Theme
Built from PSD for GMU. Department and service level template for the campus. See an example at

Mason News
Built from PSD for GMU. See live site at

Lantern Three
From PSD for Client. See live site at